The plant for the Wyalusing Electric Light, Heat & Power Company is up for sale.
A large stained glass window was installed in the Baptist Church in memory of the Rev. B.T. Davies by his sons. Pastor Davies was married to Mrs. Clara Bixby. The church is now the site of the Wyalusing Borough Hall
Fleetown was situated a mile beyond the Wyalusing Rocks along the river. Some of its residents moved to Browntown to work on the Stalford Farm and the Sam Howard Farm
The new sewer system is reported to be progressing well and is completed from the Wyalusing Creek to Main Street.
In this year, Wyalusing Borough boasted 24 stores and a blacksmith shop along the creek
The canal era comes to an end when the last canal boat is reported on the North Branch Canal
Ice and snow from December 20th straight through to mid-March when the thaw creates a devastating spring flood
The Wyalusing Lodge No. 503 I.O.O.F. (Odd Fellows) is instituted
A Pennsylvania Act of Legislation creates what is now Bradford County from parts of Wyoming and Luzerne Counties. It is originally named Ontario County but becomes Bradford County in 1811
The Fourth of July of this year is the first celebration of American Independence.